Crédits photo bandeau A little snack with a slice of apple pie
This rectangular tart, which is in fact a pie, used to be served for dessert during country fairs. Pompe aux Pommes is one of the iconic desserts of Auvergne and Sancy. The delicious smell of caramelised apple is one of the favourite childhood memories of many Auvergne residents!
Serve 6
Level of difficulty: Average
Preparation time: 20 mins
Cooking time: 45 mins
For 2 layers of shortcrust pastry:
For the apple filling:
Added bonus
Pompe aux pommes is a real treat served warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. You can wash it down with a glass of Saint-Alyre, a local sparkling drink with a delicious chestnut flavour. It’s also perfect for your coffee break or with a glass of traditional apple juice.
For the shortcrust pastry, work quickly. Leave to stand in the refrigerator for a few hours in a covered container.
Added bonus
You’ll find pompe aux pommes in the local bakeries and on the menus of certain restaurants.
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