You’ll find a theme trail exploring each of the 20 villages of the Massif du Sancy! You’ll meet mysterious characters, local figures and villagers who will tell you what Sancy means to them through all sorts of stories and legends.
The hiking trails are accessible and varied. Make your way to the starting points to follow them with or without the help of the Sancy Explorer app. A wonderful way to explore every aspect of the Sancy region!
SANCY TOUR No. 1 a family walk on the trail of the old funicular – La Bourboule
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SANCY TOUR N°1-sporty Following the tracks of the old funicular railway – La Bourboule
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SANCY TOUR No. 2 through the sheep pastures – Murat-le-Quaire
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SANCY TOUR No. 3 the Sylvatorium – Le Mont-Dore
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SANCY TOUR No. 4 the castle slopes – Murol
Crédits photo SANCY TOUR No. 4, the castle slopes – Murol
SANCY TOUR No. 20, the Fontaine Salée corrie – Chastreix
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Download Sancy Explorer free of charge with all the Sancy Tourist Office trails on your mobile!